
Chapter 4: Before you begin

Before betting on rugby union, it’s important to have a strong understanding of the rules of the game, and what impact they might have on your betting.

Set a staking a plan

Setting a staking plan for cricket betting is extremely beneficial. For more traditional, multi-day formats, the pitch will begin to wear and tear. It’s important to plan your bets accordingly.

With both the traditional and more modern formats, there is a high number of overs to be played and bet on. Spreading out your bets will allow you to enjoy the entertainment for longer.

Keep a record

With a high number of betting opportunities available during cricket matches it is best practice to keep a record of your betting. This could include the bet type, whether it won or lost, the stake, and any notes as to why the outcome happened.

Keeping a record of your betting successes will inform your research, and help you make more educated decisions in the future.

Do your research

As you’ll read in the next chapter, there are a variety of small factors that can impact the outcome of a cricket match.

Doing additional research into how certain team or players fare on different surfaces, weather conditions, and when they’re batting first will help you make more informed decisions when having a bet on cricket.

Read Chapter 5

Now that you understand what do do before you begin, take a look at the things to consider before you bet.

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