Chapter 4 : Things to consider

Now you have a stronger understanding of how to bet on rugby union, further develop your knowledge of the sport and research what factors can impact the game and your bets.

  • Impact of the weather on rugby union
  • How referees influence games
  • Figuring out which rugby union team is stronger

The surface

In a game of baseball, the weather can impact everything. The majority of MLB teams don’t have roofs on their stadiums. This means that teams will have to be prepared to play through the elements.

On hot days, struck balls are likely to travel further and fielders may lose baseballs in the sun when going for catches.

Oppositely, in windy conditions, the baseballs trajectory may be shifted and take the batters by surprise.

Before placing a bet on a game of baseball check the weather forecast and decide which team is more likely to be able to adapt.


Umpires can have a large impact on the outcome of a baseball match and your bets. One of the biggest reasons is strike zones.

Umpires have differing preferences when it comes to strike zones. Some will call a tighter strike zones which will result in more walks and runs scored.

Whereas those who allow a bigger strike zone will often cause more balls being batted and more strikeouts.

Umpires handle pressure from the crowd differently too. Some will cave under the scrutiny, often benefitting the home side. Oppositely, some enjoy making the controversial calls.

Do your research into the umpire and see their personal preferences and opinions.


The distance baseball teams have to travel between games can be far longer and more draining than it is for athletes in other countries.

Players will have to sit through long flights, and quickly adjust to the new time zone in the days leading up to game day.

Players can often ignore the lack of rest for a one-off game, but the distance becomes far more impactful over multiple days.

Before a series, see how far the team has travelled and check the outcomes of series played after a similar travel distance.


The park

Baseball stadiums will have their own unique dimensions and characteristics which can benefit certain teams and players, whilst disadvantaging others.

Some baseball stadiums will have a reduced distance from the pitcher’s mound to home plate.

This will typically benefit the pitcher as they have less of a distance to throw. However, it may mean they don’t have the distance available to build up speed.

Check the layout of the stadium, and who will be gaining an advantage from it.


Like with any sport, injuries can have a huge impact on the way a baseball team performs. Check to see if a team is missing any of their players and if so, who’s going to be replacing them.

Unlike other sports though, baseball teams can use their injuries to gain an advantage. Baseball teams have to add their injured players to an official ‘injury list’.

Some teams will place players on the list to trick oppositions into thinking they may be missing key players. Alternatively, they may wait until the last minute possible to officially rule out an injured player.

The Key Takeaway

Baseball is an attractive proposition to bettors who enjoy solving the puzzle. Few, if any, sports will have as much data available to fans to help them along the way.

Combined with the high volume of games, baseball offers bettors plenty of practice and opportunities to hone their betting strategy.

However, understanding the game is only half the battle. Being able to set a betting budget, understand odds, and manage risk are all equally important to help develop positive betting behaviours.

If you want to enjoy betting sustainably, check out the articles below.

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