Chapter 4 : Things to consider

Now you have a stronger understanding of how to bet on basketball, further develop your knowledge of the sport and research what factors can impact the game and your bets.

  • Impact of the travel on basketball players
  • How to research for basketball betting
  • Figuring out which basketball team is stronger

Check the schedule

The NBA schedule is a hectic one. There are times when teams will have games back to back to back. This can result in fatigue or squad rotation. Both of which can impact the game and your bets.

If you’re looking to bet on an individual players performance, take a look at how much they’ve played lately and see if they’re likely to be fatigued and or rested.

Likewise, if you’re having a bet on a team’s overall performance, check how many games they’ve played in recent days and see how that will impact their performances.

Not only could this rule out key players, but their replacements may not have the time necessary to gel with the other starters.

Travel distance

The busy season schedule is made more challenging for players by the distance they have to travel between games.

Having to sit through long flights across the country, ending up in different time zones, can have a big impact on a player and their performances.

Typically, during a one-off match, players are able to perform to their usual standards, however during multi-day events the travel and lack of proper rest can begin to show.

Before you pick your winner for a match take a look at how far they’ve had to travel and what impact that’s had on them historically.

Scoring positions

Look at where each team scores the majority of their points from. Whilst teams who score a high number of 3 pointers can be impressive to watch, they can also fall victim to cold spells.

It’s typically easier for a player to score when they’ve driven to the basket compared to a shot from distance.

Check their points breakdown in previous games, and if they’ve gone through cold spells before, and how long it takes them to get back to form.

Research until kick off

Basketball is unique in that players can be swapped from the starting line up right up until the game actually begins.

Unlike in football, where line-up cards are submitted an hour before kick off, basketball teams can keep their opposition and bettors guessing.

Make sure to do last minute checks throughout the time leading up to the tip off, and check to see nobody has been injured in warm up, or changed for a tactical decision.

Be prepared for who may replace the swapped player too, what impact they’re likely to have, and if they’ll be able to gel with their team properly.

The Key Takeaway

Similarly, to baseball, basketball betting is an appealing market for bettors who enjoy the process of solving the puzzle.

The high amount of data and statistics available combined with the rapid paced games give punters an entertaining challenge like few other markets.

To help you maximise your enjoyment and improve your overall betting experience, it’s important to know how to set a betting budget, how to read odds, and how to reflect on your betting.

Or, if you want to learn more about basketball betting, check out the related articles below.

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