
Chapter 4: Before you begin

Before betting on rugby union, it’s important to have a strong understanding of the rules of the game, and what impact they might have on your betting.

Setting a budget

Whether you’re betting on a league or tournament, there is football consistently available to watch and bet on.

Whilst is good from an entertainment perspective, it’s important to budget accordingly to ensure you can enjoy sustainably betting throughout the duration of the event.

Understand the odds

Bookmakers will typically set one team as the favourite, being able to understand the odds will help you understand why.

Using the odds, you can work out the implied probability of the bet winning and then make an informed decision of how much you’re comfortable staking.

Do your research

There will always be upsets in football, it’s part of the reason the sport is so beloved. However, sometimes, by analysing the trends and patterns you can decide if an upset is likely or not.

Regardless, doing research will undeniably help you make a more informed decision when placing your bet.

Read Chapter 5

Now that you understand what to do before you bet , take a look at the variety of things to consider before you put a bet on.

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